Activity N

You are a mail clerk. Your office uses Australia Post for all its mail deliveries. What method of delivery would suit the following outgoing mail items?

For help go to the Support Material.


Mail Item

Method of Delivery

A parcel that needs immediate delivery.

A letter containing an invoice.
An important document that must reach J Smith.
A letter that needs to be delivered quickly to the UK.
A satchel that needs to reach its destination the next business day.
A large envelope that is destined for Brazil and requires proof of delivery

Answer Activity N



























Activity N Answer


Mail Item

Method of Delivery

A parcel that needs immediate delivery.

Messenger Post On Demand

A letter containing an invoice. Ordinary
An important document that must reach J Smith. Registered Mail
A letter that needs to be delivered quickly to the UK. Air Mail
A satchel that needs to reach its destination the next business day. Express Post or Messenger Post
A large envelope that is destined for Brazil and requires proof of delivery Registered Post International


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