Task 4
Instructions: The following task is to be submitted to your teacher in one of the two ways described below.
It is hard to know how you sound on the telephone. Putting a smile
in your voice can be the last thing you may want to do!
You are a receptionist at Swaggies (ph: 02 997 7554). The Administration Manager is Janet Parker on Extension 566. To find out the other staff members, you may need to go to
Swaggies Manual (p6). Here you will find staff names, job titles, extension numbers, email addresses.
Following the guidelines and help provided, your task is to prepare, practise and perform 3 scenarios that test your telephone technique. You can test yourself or enlist someone to help you.
How will your present your results? You can choose ONE of the following:
- Recording your telephone dialogues on a cassette and sending it to your teacher
- Contacting your teacher to organise a time to conduct the dialogues over the phone
- Conducting the dialogues for your supervisor (must be an adult) who will assess you using the checklist.
Below are links to support materials that may assist you. Be sure to use them!
Prepare the dialogues by referring to Swaggies (p26-28) and Telephone Tips.
You may need to make-up some details if they are not included in the scenario.
Practice with the help of some-one else, before the final attempt.
Perform each scenario, being aware that a checklist will be assessing your skills.
Swaggies (p26-28)
Telephone Tips
Assessing your Telephone Technique
Scenario 1
You have a valued client, Trish Stevens, arrive at the front desk who needs immediate attention. The phone rings. The caller wants to speak to Robert Marconi the Accounts Manager.
Scenario 2
Mr Johnston rings from Barneys Car Rentals. He wants to speak urgently to the Sales & Marketing Manager who is currently out on a business lunch.
Scenario 3
You receive a call from an irate client about an account sent to them. They talk at length but you do not know who they are or who they want to speak to. Remember, in this situation you deal with the call but should not attempt to deal with the complaint. It is out of your area of responsibility. While you are dealing with this phone call, the Line 2 red light starts to flash. It is another external call.
What must I forward to my teacher?
a copy of the dialogue
completed checklists for Option 3 (if chosen)
tape/cassette (if used)
a brief report (not more than ½ page) on your strengths and weaknesses in your telephone technique