Task 7

Instructions: The following task is to be submitted to your teacher in one of the two ways described below.


To return work by email To return work by mail To save and finish later



Handle Mail - Task 7


Please enter your details before continuing

Student Name

Teacher Name

Distance Education Centre 


Collecting Mail

Before processing the mail, as the mail clerk, you will need to check the mail that has been collected. Using the "Checklist for Out Mail"


Checklist for Mail Out
1 The address details and layout are correct
2 The letter and envelope are addressed to the same person
3 The letter has been signed
4 All enclosures mentioned in the letter are there
5 The address is easy to read and is not obscured
6 The return address is included
7 The most appropriate carrier has been included
8 The correct requirements for the chosen carrier have been followed


Following the Checklist above, check the outgoing mail items below. There are 3 envelopes and 2 letters. NB: the envelopes are not meant to match the letters.





Identify the problems in each of the mail items eg - if an address is missing etc in the textbox below.

return to Topic 8