Task 7

Instructions: The following task is to be submitted to your teacher in one of the two ways described below.


To return work by email To return work by mail To save and finish later

Communicate in the Workplace - Task 7


Please enter your details before continuing

Student Name

Teacher Name

Distance Education Centre 

Draft Routine Correspondence

Complete this checklist to find out what you have already completed and what you still need to study.

NB. If you check "Not Sure" you will need to complete this section.

Have I completed ( and been deemed competent in)

Yes Not Yet Not Sure
  • types of written information in an office

  • how to plan time and organise work priorities

  • selecting the most appropriate technology for a task (NB. technology includes computers - software and hardware, photocopiers, fax machines, email)

  • the language used in basic workplace documents

  • enterprise practices of recording, storing and exchanging written messages (eg Swaggies (p29)

  • samples of proformas used by organisations eg Swaggies

  • proofreading skills - use of the symbols (Australian Government Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers)

Return to Topic 4