Matching Exercise
Match the second half of the sentence with the first half. Use
Swaggies (p26) to help you.
First Second Copy & paste the complete sentence here. The maximum number of times the phone should ring pen and paper ready. If a caller has to wait a long time - either take their details or give your full attention to the speaker. It is important to have This is <your name>. To greet the caller you must say is three. Avoid side conversations, a warm enthusiastic tone. Do not disclose offer to take a message. Speak courteously with How may I help you? Don't eat or drink while talking on the phone. To introduce yourself say personal information. To offer assistance - Welcome to Swaggies.
Copy & paste the complete sentence here. The maximum number of times the phone should ring is three.
If a caller has to wait a long time - either take their details or offer to take a message. It is important to have pen and paper ready. To greet the caller you must say welcome to Swaggies. Avoid side conversations, give your full attention to the speaker. Do not disclose personal information. Speak courteously with a warm enthusiastic tone. Don't eat or drink while talking on the phone. To introduce yourself say this is <your name>. To offer assistance - How may I help you?