
Body language The way a person moves their body – indicating a particular mood or attitude
Briefing notes Provide background information to a situation. They inform managers who need to be informed before going into a situation
Correspondence An exchange of information. In business this generally refers to the written form of communication.
Defined resource parameters In any task there are limited resources available. This includes money, time & skills. The limits on such resources need to be clearly established at the start of a task.
Electronic mail Better known as e-mail
Enquiries Seeking information
Equity principles & practices All staff and clients of the business are to be treated equally and fairly in accordance with legislation. The business needs to have procedures in place to ensure this occurs eg grievance procedures.
General correspondence The routine correspondence sent to a business
Hardware The computer equipment eg- monitor, hard drive, printer
Instructions A series of steps guiding a person through a process
Internal memos A brief, “to-the-point “ communications between staff. They can be paper-based or electronic.
Network systems The way in which communication internally and externally is organised and connected in a business
Oral communication Exchanging information through speech
Pro forma A format for specific documents that has been prepared by a business.
Proofreading Checking written communication for errors. This is NOT just spelling & punctuation. Spellcheck alone is not proofreading. Proofreading also involves checking for clarity of meaning and errors in information
Quality assurance A process of ensuring quality of production is maintained at all times in a workplace
Recipient The person or organisation receiving the information
Software packages These are the programs that enables the computer to perform a range of functions
Voice mail This is used when an office is unattended. A pre-recorded message plays on an answering machine. There is then an opportunity for the caller to leave a message
Written communication Exchanging information in the written form – can be paper-based or electronically.