Activity J

a) Victoria (below) promotes a positive image when communicating with clients.

What factors do you think she has that promotes this image? Complete the mind map.




b) Swaggies Activity

Using the Swaggies Policy & Procedures Manual, decide what Victoria would do in the following situations. In some cases it might be easier to write the actual dialogue. You may also need to add your own details to make the response plausible (realistic). The Swaggies page numbers (when available) are at the end of the question.

1) The caller (telephone) is uncertain what department or person they need to talk to. (p4-5)

2) Victoria needs to transfer the caller to a different department. (p26-28)


3) A client comes in who has a complaint about some broken aboriginal pots.



4) Victoria’s reception desk is cluttered & untidy. She cannot find the appointment book and a client is waiting for her attention. (p14)


5) A male client who has been waiting a long time for his appointment needs to use the toilet. You need to give directions.


6) Victoria takes a call at Swaggies. The caller wants Lyn Singh’s home phone number and address. (p26)


Answer Activity J

































Activity J Answer


a) Answers will vary but did you mention:-









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