Complete the Stock Card for printer cartridges using the information below.
(warning: not all information is needed)
Swaggies Stock Card
Item Maximum Stock Minimum Stock Item No. Location Date Stock In Stock Out Balance Qty Inv No. Supplies Qty Ref Dept Initials
The maximum number of cartridges should not exceed 10
The office must have no less than 2 cartridges in stock
It’s the 2/03/04, 2 staff have accessed the supply of cartridges
Names of users Anne Brown(Admin) & Benny Fulbright(Marketing).
They took one cartridge each
On the same day Judy from Finance took 2 cartridges and 4 reams of photocopy paper.
On 23/04/04, Bruce from the Warehouse accessed some supplies of lined paper, staples, bulldog clips and a printer cartridge.
ITEM STOCK No Ream of paper
320 Bulldog clips
219 Staples
438 Ink cartridges
976 Lined paper
Activity E Answer