Task 6


Instructions: The following task is to be submitted to your teacher in one of the two ways described below.


To return work by email To return work by mail To save and finish later

Prepare & Process Business Documents - Task 6

Please enter your details before continuing

Student Name

Teacher Name

Distance Education Centre 


Using the support material  complete these sentences.

1. The Petty Cash should contain small denomination notes and coins because

2. The cash box holding the Petty Cash must be which is kept

3. All Petty Cash claims must have a

4. Attached to a Petty cash claim voucher should be a

5. A Petty Cash book contains

6. A entries into a Petty Cash book should be

7. Sundries items in a Petty Cash book are

8. A Petty Cash book must be reconciled because

9. The reimbursement cheque will bring the Petty Cash total money in the cash box

10 If there is an irregularity in the vouchers or a discrepancy in the balance, a Petty Cash cashier should


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