In Australia, most Standards are published by Standards Australia. Standards Australia is the trading name of Standards Australia International Limited, a company limited by guarantee. We are an independent, non-government organization. However, through a Memorandum of Understanding we are recognized by the Commonwealth Government as the peak non-government Standards body in Australia, and we represent Australia on the two peak International Standards organization, ISO and IEC. Our primary role is to prepare Standards through an open process of consultation and consensus in which all interested parties from a variety of industries are invited to participate.
What is a Standard?
The word ‘standard’ is used frequently in everyday speech, most often in an imprecise descriptive manner: "That's fairly standard for the time of year" or "standard English". But as a published specification, a Standard has to have a very precise meaning. We believe the following definition best describes a contemporary Standard.
A Standard is a published document which sets out specifications and procedures designed to ensure that a material, product, method or service is fit for its purpose and consistently performs the way it was intended to.
So Standards are vehicles of communication for producers and users. They establish a common language, which defines quality and establishes safety criteria. Costs are lower if procedures are standardized; training is also simplified. And consumers accept products more readily when they can be judged on intrinsic merit.
Electrical safety
Electricity can be the most lethal commodity most of us ever handle, and we are constantly using devices powered by mains voltages. Yet fatalities from electrocution are exceptionally rare. Standardization of the inherent safety characteristics of electrical systems and devices ensures a near 100% safety record.
An international aspect - International responsibilities
Standards Australia represents our nation on the two major international standardizing bodies, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)* and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). We coordinate the attendance of Australian experts at international meetings, and participate extensively in the preparation of a wide range of international Standards. We are extremely active within the international standardization movement and a number of our senior management team members hold important voluntary offices on international Standards bodies.
Adopting International Standards
Standards Australia has a policy of adopting International Standards wherever possible. This policy is in line with Australia’s obligations under the World Trade Organization’s Code of Practice, which requires the elimination of technical Standards as barriers to international trade. As a result, approximately 33% of current Australian Standards are fully or substantially aligned with International Standards. (It is important to understand that there some areas of industry where no significant International Standards exist, such as building, construction and occupational health and safety. Around one third of Australian Standards simply have no international equivalent).
Example 1 AS/NZS 4442:1997 : Office desks
Example 2 AS 1680.2.2-1994 : Interior lighting -
Office and screen-based tasks